Healthy Office Snacks


These healthy office snacks are portable, delicious, and packed with protein to keep you fuelled!

Why we love this recipe

"What a perfect collection of recipes"


English Muffin Pizza

They are easy to prep ahead and freeze, and can be made with whatever veggies you have on hand.

Air Fryer Chickpeas

Using the air fryer cuts the cook time down to 15 minutes, and they are so much crispier than in the oven!

Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs

Air fryer hard boiled eggs are cooked through in 16 minutes, peel easily, and are perfectly cooked each and every time!

Creamy Chocolate Dessert Hummus

Perfect for dipping fruit and pretzels in, it's made with chickpeas, peanut butter, cocoa powder, and sweetened with maple syrup.

Healthy Blueberry Muffins

Healthy blueberry muffins are tender and soft, loaded with juicy blueberries, and have crunchy golden tops.

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